Hardings | Danske Bank

The bank is where rich people keep their money, and poor people go to take a loan.


WARNING! This building is VERY UNSAFE and might collapse at any time! It is severely dilapidated. Get out of here before you get hurt!

Basic Info

Locale Type: Bank
City: Copenhagen
City Zone: Christianshavn (Slum)
Management: Empire of Dave Harding
Quality: 0
Condition: truly abysmal
Cash: 0.00 M$
Doors: Locked

Note from the Management

Troværdig bank ejet af en troværdig selvstændig mand. Her kan alle ha' deres penge i sikkerhed. Flere forskellige typer lån til, at kickstarte den musikalske karriere eller hvad end du måtte ha' behov for penge til.

Trustworthy bank, owned by a trustworthy man.

Other offers in town:

Hardings | Danske Bank (Personally guaranteed safe accounts)
Hardings | House of POP
Hardings | Headquarter
Hardings | Jam Studio
Hardings | Charity Record (Exceptional good deals)
Hardings | Factory
Hardings | VIP Vehicles

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