Here's the latest news from the world of The Great Heist.

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The end of the 20% discount is near!

We would like to remind you that tomorrow will be the last day we're selling the credit product packages at a 20% discount. The discount will expire Wednesday schedule4/3/2024, 9:00 AM to be precise.

Happy 20th Birthday Popmundo!

This year we celebrate our 20th orbit around the sun with a walk in the desert to visit a prickly old friend. There's also a new credit product package temporarily available containing an old relic we probably shouldn't have dug up. Speaking of credits, for the rest of the month all Special Item Packages are sold at a 20% discount.

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Snowstorms and Festivals

This will be the last week the Christmas Quest is available. So if you haven't already helped Santa deliver his presents this year this week is your last chance to do so.

Also, the start of the Popmundo Festival Qualifiers is just around the corner. If you haven't already signed up for the competition, and you're not a career criminal, now is the time.

Enjoy the week everyone!